Expected use of our locos at the East Lancashire Railway in 2024 – updated March and August 2024

Expected use of our locos at the East Lancashire Railway in 2024

At the first time of first writing in November 2023 it was expected there would be two major steam events in 2024 during which our two operational locos were expected to be in use on the East Lancashire Railway. 7th and 8th September 2024 – there is now an additional event as below featuring our two locos at the railway

NEW – Heritage Open Days at Bury Transport Museum – Heritage Open days are taking place at many locations between 6th and 15th September 2024, the events at the Bury Transport Museum (near Bury Bolton Street Station will take place on 7th and 8th September featuring a static display of our Saddletank loco 752 currently liveried as 51456 – for this event it will be liveried as L&Y 752 – , the L&Y ‘Radial Tank’ 1008 on loan from the (National) Railway Museum and the bogie L&Y Directors Saloon recently acquired by the railway. Our Pug loco 19 currently liveried as 11243 will be busy with shunting demonstrations in front of the museum. NOTE – 752 will now be reliveried as LMS 11456 in advance of its road trip to the Severn Valley Railway on 9th September
To view the East Lancashire Railway web page giving full details click here
More details of the Heritage Open days in England can be found here

Autumn Steam Gala – Friday 11th to Sunday 13th October, our locos will be in use, see details on ELR website click here (opens in new window)}

Legends of Steam – Friday March 15th to Sunday 17th March, our Saddletank 752 featured in all 3 days liveried as Horwich Works service loco 11305 as we have reported elsewhere on this website, running shuttle services each day.

Images of 752 in use can be found on our page Photos – stock in use
and videos from Youtube on our page Video Online

There may be other public events during 2024 featuring our locos of which details will be published on this web page.