CURRENT STATUS – available for service, normally on display in Oxenhope Exhibition Shed at Worth Valley Railway although operational reasons may prevent this.
6th June 2022 – 1474 returned by road transport from the workshops of the East Lancashire Railway at Bury back to its Worth Valley Railway base for use on their Vintage Train Sunday public services starting on 19th June 2022 and finishing on 17th July 2022, these services are expected to run during each summer and more details can often be found on the Worth Valley website here.
March 2022 – arrangements are being made to return 1474 to the Worth Valley by road for use on their services.
February 2022 – restoration is now complete and after some test running the carriage was used on 4 round trip shuttle services between Bury and Ramsbottom on Saturday 26th February, which was a great success.
October 2021 – restoration is well advanced and it is hoped that it will be complete in time to return to the Worth Valley to use on their ‘Elfmas’ Christmas services.
June 2021 – following work done at the East Lancashire Railway we have been able to establish more detailed costings of the work required to complete the repairs and have issued a fundraising appeal which can be found here
August and September 2020 – 1474 featured in a number of Vintage Train weekend services and was very popular with passengers, running with our two six-wheelers behind a variety of locomotives.
July 2020 – following a good response to fundraising for work on suspension, a set of 16 replacement coil springs and associated fittings have now been fitted and it is expected that 1474 will feature in Vintage Trains services when other work on the chassis is completed.
LYR 1474 Hughes taper-end Brake Third built 1910 at Newton Heath works, bogie brake third with 5 passenger compartments as well as a Guard and luggage compartment.
October 2021 – restoration is well advanced and it is hoped that it will be complete in time to return to the Worth Valley to use on their ‘Elfmas’ Christmas services.
June 2021 – following work done at the East Lancashire Railway we have been able to establish more detailed costings of the work required to complete the repairs and have issued a fundraising appeal which can be found here
August and September 2020 – 1474 featured in a number of Vintage Train weekend services and was very popular with passengers, running with our two six-wheelers behind a variety of locomotives.
July 2020 – following a good response to fundraising for work on suspension, a set of 16 replacement coil springs and associated fittings have now been fitted and it is expected that 1474 will feature in Vintage Trains services when other work on the chassis is completed.
LYR 1474 Hughes taper-end Brake Third built 1910 at Newton Heath works, bogie brake third with 5 passenger compartments as well as a Guard and luggage compartment.
February 2022 – restoration is now complete and after some test running the carriage was used on 4 round trip shuttle services between Bury and Ramsbottom on Saturday 26th February, which was a great success.
October 2021 – restoration is well advanced and it is hoped that it will be complete in time to return to the Worth Valley to use on their ‘Elfmas’ Christmas services.
June 2021 – following work done at the East Lancashire Railway we have been able to establish more detailed costings of the work required to complete the repairs and have issued a fundraising appeal which can be found here
October 2020 onwards – on 23rd October 2020 1474 arrived by road transport at the workshops of the East Lancashire Railway at Bury for major repairs during the winter, and will not be on public display
August and September 2020 – 1474 featured in a number of Vintage Train weekend services and was very popular with passengers, running with our two six-wheelers behind a variety of locomotives.
July 2020 – following a good response to fundraising for work on suspension, a set of 16 replacement coil springs and associated fittings have now been fitted and it is expected that 1474 will feature in Vintage Trains services when other work on the chassis is completed.
LYR 1474 Hughes taper-end Brake Third built 1910 at Newton Heath works, bogie brake third with 5 passenger compartments as well as a Guard and luggage compartment.
October 2021 – restoration is well advanced and it is hoped that it will be complete in time to return to the Worth Valley to use on their ‘Elfmas’ Christmas services.
June 2021 – following work done at the East Lancashire Railway we have been able to establish more detailed costings of the work required to complete the repairs and have issued a fundraising appeal which can be found here
August and September 2020 – 1474 featured in a number of Vintage Train weekend services and was very popular with passengers, running with our two six-wheelers behind a variety of locomotives.
July 2020 – following a good response to fundraising for work on suspension, a set of 16 replacement coil springs and associated fittings have now been fitted and it is expected that 1474 will feature in Vintage Trains services when other work on the chassis is completed.
LYR 1474 Hughes taper-end Brake Third built 1910 at Newton Heath works, bogie brake third with 5 passenger compartments as well as a Guard and luggage compartment.

Purchased by the L&Y Saddletanks Fund in 1965 from departmental service at Guide Bridge in Manchester (as seen here). Used initially on Leeds, Bradford, Liverpool express trains, several lasted into British Railways days in passenger service but this, the last one, had been downgraded to a ‘Mess Van’.
Following initial conservation 1474 was used as volunteer accomodation at Haworth, becoming known as the ‘Horwich Hilton’. After the Worth Valley acquired withdrawn sleeping cars, 1474 was relocated to Oxenhope shed in the early 1970s and restoration commenced, being finally completed in May 1993 seen here on its first day of service.

Since 1993 many ‘finishing touches’ have been applied, although after years of service some maintenance is expected. Luggage racks have been assembled from brackets specially cast, fitted with woven wire panels and wooden poles with replica end fastenings into the side panels. The end fastenings were manufactured from originals found in an L&Y coach body in Scotland which had been use as a hen house after being sold from the works at Inverurie.
In addition a full body repaint has been completed using the correct shades of colour and the style of ‘decals’ as used on 1507, 47 and 279. These can be seen on the photo below from a Steam Gala in 2012 supplied by and copyright of Andrew Naylor.

1474 had no electrical or heating systems when acquired, an electric lighting system was installed in the 1980’s powered by static batteries which required charging before use, an alternator has been installed for battery charging, based on the design used on Club Carriage 47.
The heating system has since been reinstated and is now fully operational and by all accounts very efficient. In 2018 and 2019 a major project has seen most of the brake system ‘rigging’ replaced with new components and mechanical work carried out on the bogies and suspension to ensure that 1474 meets current safety standards at its advanced age.
Starting in 2019, further work was completed to upgrade the ‘secondary’ suspension system which is a set of 16 coil springs on the bogies secured by special tie bolts.
Following a detailed examination during 2020, it was established that major work would be required on the chassis, in particular the bogies, and a contract was awarded to the East Lancashire Railway to complete this work for return of the carriage to the Worth Valley.