Welcome to our TV and Film page that features L&YR Trust in TV and Film. Our locomotives and carriages can represent a long period of British history and are available for use in TV and film productions. Initial contact should be made by email to
Steam Train Britain is a series broadcast on Yesterday TV channel in 2019.
The English Game is a six-part dramatisation of the start of the English Football League in the 19th century. It will be broadcast on NETFLIX during 2020.
The Golden Age of Steam Railways is a BBC Four TV series regularly repeated on BBC and cable TV channels. This features early years of the Worth Valley including an interview with Richard Greenwood accompanying some of his films covering the purchase, restoration and operation of 51218 from the 1960’s. Also available on DVD, we are expecting this to be repeated, for information –click here
Testament of Youth is a film on general release in 2015 and featured all our carriages.
A BBC Films production of the First World War memoir of Vera Britain, of which more detail can be found on BBC website click here.
Peaky Blinders is a BBC TV series with Club Carriage 47 and Bogie Brake 1474 used for this BBC Two TV six-part drama first series about a Birmingham gang, shown in late 2013. 47 featured prominently as Winston Churchill’s mobile office in the first and last episodes of that series. Further information about repeat showings available from the BBC website –click here. The first series can also be watched at small cost on Amazon Video.

South Riding, a BBC TV drama featured our carriage 279, a new three-part adaptation of the novel by Winifred Holtby about the lives, loves and politics of a 1930s Yorkshire community, first shown in 2011 on BBC One.
The unrestored body of 279 was taken by road to an airfield site in North Yorkshire used to recreate ‘The Shacks’, an area near the sea cliffs at Skipsea in East Yorkshire, although some scenes were filmed at The Shacks. Interior scenes were filmed in a studio recreation for which 279 received a temporary false roof.
The BBC website has a brief feature on South Riding which features the Shacks and 279 – click here
Swept from the Sea 1997
Our Bogie Brake 1474 is featured running with ‘A’ Class 1300 in this film, known as Amy Foster in the USA but Swept from the Sea for UK release.
Based on the 1901 short story “Amy Foster” by Joseph Conrad, the film is about a doomed love affair between a simple country girl and a Ukrainian peasant who is swept onto the Cornish shore in 1888 after his emigrant ship sinks on its way to America. More information can be found at
Symbol Biscuits TV commercial in
51218 was the
co-star in this production involving the late Ronnie Corbett ‘plastered’
against the smokebox steaming out of Mytholmes Tunnel – in fact the filming was
made going away from the camera and then reversed.
This was possibly the first ever use of a preserved steam loco in TV