Updated March 2022
In 2018 we advised in ON TRUST that we had inspected Saloon 12 which had been owned by the late Dave Lewis, which was for sale by his widow. We had decided that we could not take on the project but a few months later there was a threat of destruction, so it was rescued and put into safe private storage in May 2019 pending looking for some charity or society who can take it on for full restoration, although the Trust may take on the work from the current private owner who financed the rescue.
Below is a photo of 12 after being moved from private storage to the East Lancashire Railway on 24th March 2022 for safe storage and evaluation for restoration on the prepared chassis.
September 2021 the chassis has now been prepared to provide a level base for storage of the body
February 2021 a chassis has been secured to provide a suitable level base during restoration, it is only 4-wheeled and may be in future be replaced with a more appropriate 6-wheeled chassis.